what others have said of ilario colli

“Ilario Colli’s work would represent a major achievement for any writer. It contains numerous ideas of genuine originality, the likes of which we rarely come across. I believe it will prove a real contribution to the wider understanding of our culture.”

“Mr. Colli has the potential to become one of the greatest aesthetic philosophers of all time, as well as one of this century’s greatest writers.”

-Robert Gibbs, former publisher, Limelight Magazine

“So many complain about the sorry state of the Arts in our world, but few except Colli are actually doing anything about it…A fascinating thinker who is poised to make a very real difference in the Arts world.”

- Jacob Collins, artist and president of the Salmagundi Club, NY

“A refreshing and important voice…a deeply gifted writer.”

-Athena Azevedo, executive director, International Brazilian Opera Company

“In naming the Sublimst Movement, Colli gives voice to a generation seeking an expression of the metaphysically infinite in Art. He does so in a prose style that is clear, elegant, and captivating—a treasure to read.”

- João MacDowell, composer

“Mr. Colli ought, quite clearly, to be considered Australia’s leading classical music critic.”

- Robert Matthew-Walker, editor, Musical Opinion

“…a leader in his field; one of my favourite writers on music.”

-Kazem Abdullah, orchestral conductor

“An outstanding and probing intellect…He has an exceptional command of language.”

-Victoria Rogers, professor, Edith Cowan University

“‘In Art as in Life’ is an outstanding achievement for a young scholar….”

- David Symons, associate professor of music, University of Western Australia

“His writing has already made a very real impact on how music is appreciated in Australia, and I expect him to do the same in the US.”

-Inessa Medzhibovskaya, professor of liberal studies, New School for Social Research

“Ilario Colli’s first book, ‘In Art as in Life’, could well be a better début than Nietzsche’s ‘Birth of Tragedy.’”

-Laurence Mailaender, reader